There are plentiful hotel and Vrbo options in the downtown Savannah area. The closest hotels to the venue are listed below by the proximity to the wedding day festivities. However, there are other hotels closer to River Street, or Forsyth Park, if you'd like to stay in those areas rather than stay closer to the venue.
This hotel is right around the corner from Savannah Bottle Works - approximately 0.1 miles (2 minute walk).
This hotel is one block over from Savannah Bottle works, approximately 0.1 miles (3 minute walk).
This location offers multi-bedroom (up to four bedrooms) apartments including a kitchen and a washer/dryer. It's approximately 0.5 miles from the venue (10 minute walk).
This hotel is approximately 0.5 miles from the venue (10 minute walk) and is in a great downtown location for exploring. It's right next to E Shaver Booksellers, and they offer a discount of 15% or more on stays of 3+ nights (book using their "specials" page, or over the phone requesting the discounted rate).
For those who'd like to stay on River Street, the Alida is a more luxurious option. It's 0.7 miles from the venue (a 16 minute walk).
Another luxurious option with a rooftop bar for those who'd like to stay on River Street, this hotel is 0.7 miles from the venue (a 16 minute walk).